Family mediation is a process in which parties involved in family law matters (such as divorce, custody and visitation) meet with a neutral third party to aid their discussions on how best to resolve their issues. The mediator can facilitate discussion by listening to both sides of a story, identifying concerns and facilitating communication. This is done in a private and confidential setting.
In general, mediation can help couples in the midst of separation or divorce, or even parents who never lived together, reach parenting and property settlement agreements. The process can be less stressful than going to trial and usually takes 20-50% less time. Additionally, a mediated agreement is less expensive and more flexible than a court-ordered solution, though any changes to an agreement must be approved by a judge.
The most important thing for participants in Family mediation to understand is that the outcome of their sessions will be determined by the parties themselves and not the mediator. The mediator’s role is to facilitate discussions and provide information on legal options available.
Participants can choose to attend sessions online or face to face, in a joint session or separately. Sessions can also be held at the mediator’s office or a venue of your choice, with your lawyer present if you wish. Typically, sessions will last two to three hours. It is helpful to bring all relevant documentation and pre-written notes into your session. If emotions run high, it may be helpful to ask the mediator for a break to allow you both to collect your thoughts before continuing.